Yahya Khalaf" in "A Song of Life"
Yahya Khalaf" in "A Song of Life" (1985) speaks with deep elegance and gentleness, with the great admiration of charming simplicity and kind faithful husbands, whether some of them are present or not. Abu Kamel married Zuleikha and left her for many years. You don't know her number, and you bleach her hair but don't know where she went, why and how? "At first I hated him. I hated him. I hope he died miserably. But just like those days. "It happened that she felt sorry for him, and she started crying. He wants to come back safely. I thought for a long time. I would take his cane with him the day before...") He promised that when the children of the neighbor Sweetie announced the news. When they came back, the children had grown up. He was all young, but he did not come back, was not with relatives other than his family, and his heart was full of joy.State (expectation and yearning for miracles, and long-lasting love are important notes in the song of life) The protagonists of this novel do not succumb to sleep and wait, they live by it. , And play an active role at multiple levels at the same time. Zulekha lives in the most difficult expectations. Here, she fell asleep, fell asleep, and saw her husband, a perfect father in her dream. "She hasn't been for a long time, and the sound of crutches sounded. He knocked on the door, she opened his hand and bent down to kiss her, he took her hand and rubbed her head with the other hand, then she cried, she knelt down and he Sit down and take off his shoes, and then he said to her: I'm tired of wandering far away, tired of leaving constantly, I decided to come back to you, Zuleikha, I decided to go back and kiss your hair.With white hair, I will leave the rest of my life to you. I decided to ask for your forgiveness and forgiveness. I have experienced a lot. You are waiting for my return. Oh, blessed person, may God forgive me. Because I have been leaving you...woke up suddenly...from the rustle of the wind...the dream disappeared into emptiness, emptiness and despair...she started in public Sometimes she cried, why did she walk so fast, why didn't she wait for you to tell her that she cried until there were no tears in her eyes? But a woman can create a balance in life through her strength, her faith, and her patience, because she lives in hope and does it. She raised three chickens as if they were her daughters. Paint the walls of your house white to make it look beautiful and vibrant. You participated in the cleaning ceremony of an unknown man who lost his life in a sniper operation, and did not hesitate to participate in the funeral in his final resting place with several other men.Take care of your home and plant fragrant mint and roses in the garden to express your love for life, beauty and people, as well as your love for your husband, your loyalty to him and your desire for him.
ولكن أبطال هذه الرواية لا يستسلمون للحلم والانتظار، إنهم يعيشونه، ويمارسون، في الوقت نفسه، دورهم الفاعل على أكثر من صعيد. فزليخة تعيش أقسى حالات الانتظار، ها هي تنام بعد أن هدها التعب والنعاس، لترى في منامها زوجها.. أبا كامل "جاء بعد غياب طويل يسبقه صوت عكازه. دق الباب ففتحت له. دخل مهيباً رزيناً، واسع الصدر.. مد إليها يده، فتناولت اليد، وانحنت لتقبيلها. سحب يده، ومسح بيده الأخرى على رأسها فبكت. وجثت على ركبتيها، جلس لكي يخلع الحذاء، ثم قال لها.. سئمت الغربة والتجوال، تعبت من الرحيل المتواصل، وقررت العودة إليك يا زليخة. قررت أن أعود، وأقبل شعرك الأشيب، وأقضي بقية عمري رهن إشارتك، قررت أن أطلب منك الصفح والمغفرة، لقد تحملت الكثير، وأنت تنتظرين عودتي أيتها المباركة، فليغفر الله لي، لأنني هجرتك طوال هذه المدة.. واستيقظت فجأة.. على صوت الريح.. على الخواء والفراغ واليأس، تبدد الحلم.. وانخرطت في بكاء علني، لماذا ذهب سريعاً. لماذا لم ينتظر حتى تقول له، إنها بكت حتى لم يبق في عينيها دموع"
لكن الزوجة تستطيع بقوتها، وإيمانها وصبرها، أن تخلق توازناً مع الحياة، فهي تعيش الأمل، وتمارس العمل. تربي دجاجاتها الثلاث، وكأنهن بناتها. تطلي حيطان منزلها "بالشيد" الأبيض، ليبدو جميلاً ناصعاً. تشارك في مراسم تغسيل رجل مجهول الهوية، قتل أثناء عملية قنص، ولا تتردد في المشاركة في تشييعه إلى مثواه الأخير، مع بضعة رجال آخرين. تهتم بمنزلها، وتزرع في ساحته النعنع والعطرة، وشجيرات الورد، معبرة عن حبها للحياة والجمال والناس، تماماً كحبها لزوجها وإخلاصها له وحنينها.
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