الخائن بول بيتي- مراجعة
هذه هي مشكلة التاريخ ، نود أن نعتقد أنه كتاب - يمكننا أن نقلب الصفحة وننقلها. لكن التاريخ ليس هو الورقة التي طبعت عليها. إنها الذاكرة والذاكرة هي الوقت والعواطف والأغنية. التاريخ هو الأشياء التي تبقى معك ".“Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it’s fear.”
"يمكن أن يكون الصمت احتجاجًا أو موافقة ، ولكن في أغلب الأحيان يكون الخوف"."أنا متعبة للغاية من النساء السود اللواتي يتم وصفهن دائمًا بألوان بشرتهن! العسل هذا اللون! الشوكولاته الداكنة! كانت جدتي من والدتي مخيفة ، مقهى-أو-لايت ، غراهام-تكسير بني! كيف لا يصفون أبداً الأحرف البيضاء فيما يتعلق بالمواد الغذائية والسوائل الساخنة؟ لماذا لا يوجد أي أبطال أبيض اللون بلون اللبن الزبادي ، وقشرة البيض ، وجلد الجبن ، قليل الدسم في هذه الكتب العنصرية التي لا تحتوي على فعل ثالث؟ لهذا السبب فإن الأدب الأسود سيء! "
- بول بيتي ،"... عليك أن تسأل نفسك سؤالين: من أنا؟ وكيف أصبح نفسي؟ "
كيف بدأت العنصرية في أمريكا؟ هل انتهت ؟ إذا أخذنا من الموضوع الأدبي من ناحية تاريخية فلقد ظهرت هذه الأزمة منذ بداية أمريكا كبلد قائم على استعباد الأفريقين كعرق كقادم من أفريقيا فلقد كانت فكرة اكتشاف الأمريكين من الأوربيين وذبحهم للهنود الحمر في أمريكا فكرة قائمة على القتل لمجرد إثبات الوجود واستغلالهم بموجب صك عبودية من الإنسان المتفوق بسبب لون بشرته وهو العرق الأبيض شيئا يكاد يصبح مألوف ومخزون ذاكرة سيئة تاريخيا وعاطفياً بحق جميع المضطهدين في تلك الحقبة حتى وصول أمريكا للحرب الأهلية التي قتل فيها العديد من البشر
ماتزال العنصرية موجودة حتى وقتنا الحالي للأسف ومع كل الثورة التكنولوجية فالبعض الذي يقتل الإنسان لاختلافه بالمعتقد والجنس والدين والمذهب والطائفة واللون وكل ما يمكن أن يخطر على بال بشر حتى ونحن في عصرنا الحالي ماتزال الأصوات العنصرية تخرج بكل قوة من كل شخص يشعر في قرارة نفسه بتفوقه المادي والحضاري فرغم جائحة كورونا التي هزت العالم ولكننا مانزال نسمع أطباء يطلبون بتجريب اللقاحات على الناس في أفريقيا والآخرين من الممثلين برمي كل المصابين في الصحراء كل تلك الأصوات البشرية المقيتة التي لا تسيء لجنسية أو دولة بقدر إسائتها للبشرية بشكل عام
قد يكون من الصعب تصديق ذلك ، قادم من رجل أسود ، لكنني لم أسرق أي شيء ".
تبدأ الصفحة الأولى في هجاء العنصرية العنيفة في أمريكا. إن الراوي أمام المحكمة العليا ، مكلف بمحاولة إعادة العبودية والتفرقة في مسقط رأسه ديكنز ، وهو حي متدهور في لوس أنجلوس. شركاؤه هم Hominy Jenkins ، نجم طفل سابق في Little Rascals ، و Marpessa Dawson ، سائق حافلة بذيءو بطلنا. لكن ما يدفع هذه الشخصية الذكية والمدروسة حقًا هو علاقته مع والده المتوفى - وهو عالم نفسي قوي وفخم قام بكل أنواع التجارب الاجتماعية على ابنه. وجوده الرسمي في المجتمع الأسود يلوح في الأفق على حياة الراوي. لكنه يدفعه أيضًا إلى هز مسقط رأسه المتداعية بوسائل شنيعة ومثيرة للجدل.يمكنني التأكيد أن أرى لماذا تم إغفال هذه الرواية - فهي فحص في الوقت المناسب وبلا خوف لعلاقات العرق في أمريكا الحالية. في الواقع ، قد تقترب أحياناً لسؤال
تبدأ الصفحة الأولى في هجاء العنصرية العنيفة في أمريكا. إن الراوي أمام المحكمة العليا ، مكلف بمحاولة إعادة العبودية والتفرقة في مسقط رأسه ديكنز ، وهو حي متدهور في لوس أنجلوس. شركاؤه هم Hominy Jenkins ، نجم طفل سابق في Little Rascals ، و Marpessa Dawson ، سائق حافلة بذيءو بطلنا. لكن ما يدفع هذه الشخصية الذكية والمدروسة حقًا هو علاقته مع والده المتوفى - وهو عالم نفسي قوي وفخم قام بكل أنواع التجارب الاجتماعية على ابنه. وجوده الرسمي في المجتمع الأسود يلوح في الأفق على حياة الراوي. لكنه يدفعه أيضًا إلى هز مسقط رأسه المتداعية بوسائل شنيعة ومثيرة للجدل.يمكنني التأكيد أن أرى لماذا تم إغفال هذه الرواية - فهي فحص في الوقت المناسب وبلا خوف لعلاقات العرق في أمريكا الحالية. في الواقع ، قد تقترب أحياناً لسؤال
قلت لنفسي: Woah ، هل قال ذلك بالفعل؟ السياسة وثقافة البوب وتصوير وسائل الإعلام للأميركيين الأفارقة - العديد من جوانب الحياة الأمريكية مستهدفة ومقلوبة رأساً على عقب من خلال تأملات بيتي الحادة. سأعترف بأن العديد من المراجع تجاوزت رأسي ولكن هذا هو جمال هذا الكتاب - إنه مليء بالأفكار التي تشعر بها حقًا أنك تعلمت شيئًا ما عندما تصل إلى النهاية. كقصة ، لا أعتقد أنها تعمل بشكل جيد - فالوتيرة غير متساوية وغالباً ما يتعرج بيتي على المونولوجات لإظهار دماغه الكبير المعترف به. ولكن بصفتها هجاء مخبول وجريء ، فإنها تستحق كل تقدير. قراءة مستنيرة ومثيرة للتفكير
This is the problem of history, we would like to think it is a book - we can turn the page and move it. But history is not the paper on which it is printed. It is memory and memory is time, emotions and song. History is the things that stay with you. "
“Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it’s fear.”
"Silence can be protest or approval, but most of the time it is fear."
"I am very tired of black women who are always described in their skin tones! Honey is that color! Dark chocolate! My grandmother from my mother was scary, cafe-or-light, graham-brown cracking! How do they ever describe white characters in terms of food and hot liquids?" Why are there no white yogurt heroes, eggshells, and low-fat cheese skins in these racist books that don't have a third verb? For this reason, black literature is bad! "
- Paul Betty,
"... you have to ask yourself two questions: Who am I? And how do I become myself?"
How did racism begin in America? Is it over If we take from the literary topic from a historical point of view, this crisis has emerged since the beginning of America as a country based on the enslavement of Africans as a race from Africa. The idea of discovering the Americans from the Europeans and their slaughter of the American Indians in America was an idea based on killing just to establish the existence and exploit them according to the instrument of bondage from the superior man Because of the color of his skin, which is white race, something becomes almost familiar and stores a bad memory historically and emotionally against all the oppressed in that era until the arrival of America in the civil war in which many people were killed.
Unfortunately, racism still exists to the present day, unfortunately, and with all the technological revolution, some who kill a person because of his difference in belief, sex, religion, sect, sect, color and everything that can come to mind for human beings, even as we are in our present age, racist voices are still coming out with full force from every person who feels in his heart his physical superiority And civilization, despite the Corona pandemic that rocked the world, but we still hear doctors calling for experimenting with vaccines on people in Africa and others from the actors by throwing all the infected people in the desert, all those distasteful human voices that do not harm a nationality or a country as much as it offends humanity in general.
It might be hard to believe, coming from a black man, but I didn't steal anything. "
The first page begins with satire of violent racism in America. The narrator before the Supreme Court is charged with trying to restore slavery and segregation in his hometown of Dickens, a degraded neighborhood in Los Angeles. His partners are Hominy Jenkins, a former child star in Little Rascals, and Marpessa Dawson, saucy bus driver, and our hero. But what drives this truly intelligent and thoughtful character is his relationship with his deceased father - a powerful and luxurious psychologist who has performed all kinds of social experiences on his son. His official presence in the black community looms on the narrator's life. But it also pushes him to rock his dilapidated birthplace by atrocious and controversial means. I can certainly see why this novel was overlooked - it is a timely and fearless examination of race relations in present-day America. In fact, it may sometimes come close to a question
I said to myself: Woah, have you already said that? Politics, pop culture, and media portrayal of African Americans - many aspects of American life are targeted and upside down with Betty’s sharp reflections. I will admit that many references crossed my head but this is the beauty of this book - it's full of ideas that you really feel like you've learned something when you get to the end. As a story, I don't think it works well - the pace is uneven and my house often winds the monologues to show off his big, recognized brain. But as a bold and dumb satire, it deserves all appreciation. Informed and thought-provoking reading
“Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it’s fear.”
"Silence can be protest or approval, but most of the time it is fear."
"I am very tired of black women who are always described in their skin tones! Honey is that color! Dark chocolate! My grandmother from my mother was scary, cafe-or-light, graham-brown cracking! How do they ever describe white characters in terms of food and hot liquids?" Why are there no white yogurt heroes, eggshells, and low-fat cheese skins in these racist books that don't have a third verb? For this reason, black literature is bad! "
- Paul Betty,
"... you have to ask yourself two questions: Who am I? And how do I become myself?"
How did racism begin in America? Is it over If we take from the literary topic from a historical point of view, this crisis has emerged since the beginning of America as a country based on the enslavement of Africans as a race from Africa. The idea of discovering the Americans from the Europeans and their slaughter of the American Indians in America was an idea based on killing just to establish the existence and exploit them according to the instrument of bondage from the superior man Because of the color of his skin, which is white race, something becomes almost familiar and stores a bad memory historically and emotionally against all the oppressed in that era until the arrival of America in the civil war in which many people were killed.
Unfortunately, racism still exists to the present day, unfortunately, and with all the technological revolution, some who kill a person because of his difference in belief, sex, religion, sect, sect, color and everything that can come to mind for human beings, even as we are in our present age, racist voices are still coming out with full force from every person who feels in his heart his physical superiority And civilization, despite the Corona pandemic that rocked the world, but we still hear doctors calling for experimenting with vaccines on people in Africa and others from the actors by throwing all the infected people in the desert, all those distasteful human voices that do not harm a nationality or a country as much as it offends humanity in general.
It might be hard to believe, coming from a black man, but I didn't steal anything. "
The first page begins with satire of violent racism in America. The narrator before the Supreme Court is charged with trying to restore slavery and segregation in his hometown of Dickens, a degraded neighborhood in Los Angeles. His partners are Hominy Jenkins, a former child star in Little Rascals, and Marpessa Dawson, saucy bus driver, and our hero. But what drives this truly intelligent and thoughtful character is his relationship with his deceased father - a powerful and luxurious psychologist who has performed all kinds of social experiences on his son. His official presence in the black community looms on the narrator's life. But it also pushes him to rock his dilapidated birthplace by atrocious and controversial means. I can certainly see why this novel was overlooked - it is a timely and fearless examination of race relations in present-day America. In fact, it may sometimes come close to a question
I said to myself: Woah, have you already said that? Politics, pop culture, and media portrayal of African Americans - many aspects of American life are targeted and upside down with Betty’s sharp reflections. I will admit that many references crossed my head but this is the beauty of this book - it's full of ideas that you really feel like you've learned something when you get to the end. As a story, I don't think it works well - the pace is uneven and my house often winds the monologues to show off his big, recognized brain. But as a bold and dumb satire, it deserves all appreciation. Informed and thought-provoking reading
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