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Educated: A Memoir Book review by Tara Westover

صورة ذات صلةWhat’s a novel 
Westover was born sometime in September, 1986—no birth certificate was issued—on a remote mountain in Idaho, the seventh child of Mormon survivalist parents who subscribed to a paranoid patchwork of beliefs well outside the mandates of their religion. The government was always about to invade; the End of Days was always at hand. Westover’s mother worked as a midwife and an herbal healer. Her father, who claimed prophetic powers, owned a scrap yard, where his children labored without the benefit of protective equipment. (Westover recounts accidents so hideous, and so frequent, that it’s a wonder she lived to tell her tale at all.) Mainstream medicine was mistrusted, as were schools, which meant that Westover’s determination to leave home and get a formal education—the choice that drives her book and changed her life—amounted to a rebellion against her parents’ world.
I read this novel thought from the beginning of this novel to the end. I Believe - in part, this book was about Mormonism and it was simulated families in closed societies in general When you give the people you love so much power over you
Educated” is a painful & uncomfortable - shocking & surprising exposure of her Mormon fundamentalist family. For the American Readers but for the middle eastern People I See this in person when you as a human not being able to control your own life
thought-provoking book which demonstrates how one woman found the courage to achieve despite being surrounded by those who told her she shouldn't or she couldn't
“Educated” is a memoir characters names. Aaron, Audrey, Benjamin, Erin, Faye, Gene, Vanessa, Judy, Peter, Sadie, Shannon, Shawn, Susan, Robert, and Robin are pseudonyms. This is about Mormonism. Neither is it about any other form of religious belief. In it there are many types of people, some believers, some not; some kind, some not. The author disputes any correlation, positive or negative, between the two.
I couldn’t believe it that’s all happen in a country like United State The Country who across the ocean to give the Freedom and rights to people in Iraq and Syria . and when the media in the US just focusing about Islam as religion which rais up their women as slave to the man for me I don’t agree about these beliefs too , but for Muslim and so many religion women like second choice with definitely no rights Tara did something great for she invest in her mind its big challenge just if you imagine that’s you are live in the past like prisoner and for mistake that’s you didn’t make to be a women in close community .it’s not a joke when you live inside a religion you do not belong to , it is not a funny when you are saying your opinion to people full of anger and madness from your opinion and they are beliefs there is demon inside your soul this is the most group in the world which will agree about any experience you want to have except giving birth to kids for also no reason Tara’s memoir-impart- also details ( summarizes) the transitions and challenges entering the academic world -Brigham Young University- Harvard- Cambridge ( PhD in History). Her educational journey was interesting — some of it maddening to me also ....
At times I felt frustrated ‘besides’ some greatly disturbing horrific frightening descriptions during Tara’s childhood.
Tara’s couldn’t find her voice. She seemed - fragile - and often so uncertain of herself.
This book is very well written and its fall of surprising more closer to the community with no ID no identity and no birth certificate and faith about education to one woman who is she across the ocean to find her voice which was missing with all these characters. I think this novel approve about when the women she believes in herself she can reach the stars


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